Flower blooming in a water sphere 水の球体に咲く花



You can see many large petals with veins like lilies. The color is bluish, which may be a reflection of the beautiful water color. Many spheres with petals are floating. No soil.

Lilies and bulbs, lotus flowers floating in the water, daffodils blooming near the water, jelly in aloe, etc. come to mind. Petals, moisture, and a jelly-like texture are important factors.

Do you know a plant called “Diphylleia  grayi”? The white petals turn transparent when they get wet in the rain. It also looks like that skeleton flower.

Plum flower algae blooms small white flowers in the stream of the river. The appearance of many small flowers floating in the water makes you wonder where you are, whether in the air or in the water. Upside down, inside out, it looks like things are flipping. There is a feeling that the water is floating in the air, the flowers are blooming in the water, and the inside is coming out and turning inside out.

The curtain of light is falling. It emits a dazzling light that looks like a portal to space-time when you pass through it. It is a boundary where the subjective and the objective are clearly separated. You are calm about things and have the sharpness to make decisions without reason. It may appear cold to others.

British sculptor Rachel Whiteread Works such as “Chambre art” and “Ghosts of the Past”, which look like an upside-down staircase, will give you good inspiration.




山荷葉という植物を知っていますか? 白い花びらが、雨に濡れると透明に変身します。そのスケルトンフラワーのようにも見えます。

梅花藻は川の流れの中で小さな白い花を咲かせます。水の流れにたくさんの小さな花が漂うその姿は、空中なのか水中なのか自分がどこにいるのか不思議になります。アップサイドダウン、インサイドアウト 、物事が反転している様子に見えます。水が空中に浮かぶ様子、水中に花が咲く様子、内側が外に出て裏返ってる感じがあります。

光のカーテンが下がっています。 潜り抜けると時空の入り口になっているような、まばゆい発光をしています。主観と客観がクリアに分かれている境です。物事に冷静で、理由なく物事の判断ができるシャープさがあります。



階段が逆さまになっているような “Chambre art” “Ghosts of the Past”などの作品が良いインスパイアを与えるでしょう。

Personal Landscape

“Personal Landscape” is an inner portrait. This art is special, as it reflects your own personal inner landscape so it's a portrait of you, not for the outside, but the inside.


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