Mobile Amusement Park on the Lunar Surface 月面の移動遊園地
Mobile Amusement Park on the Lunar Surface
At the center, there is something like a harp pipe used in extreme sports. It's a mobile amusement park reminiscent of a circus that has landed on a cobblestone or moon-like undulating ground in space. In the right back, there seems to be something illuminating a planet, which appears to represent the masses. When it comes to the masses—regions or countries—you shine brightly. In the upper left, there is something like an aerial swing, like a spider's thread, indicating a paternalistic helping presence. On the left, there are several monoliths, similar to those in the science fiction film "2001: A Space Odyssey."
The fusion and connection of points and lines are the characteristics of this painting.
A circus is a place where people come to play and gather, but the reality behind the scenes, such as the rigorous training scenes, is not shown to the audience. Similarly, it is more attractive not to disclose your private affairs. In business, it is better not to engage in private social activities such as going out to eat. By aligning one correct thing after another like the monoliths, business will go well. It is good to diversify small businesses. The circus provides acrobatics and entertainment to people. It is good to do business that provides additional leisure activities. In that sense, content is more suitable than physical products.
As a circus troupe, it is advisable not to form fixed relationships. In terms of lifestyle, even if you live in hotels or travel, it is important to be conscious of maintaining a healthy diet.