2022.06.25 00:54読み上げ音声付き、とてもよいScientists Discover Ancient Forest at Bottom of Gigantic SinkholeExplorers in China found a massive sinkhole that has an entire ancient forest inside. It could hold species previously not discovered.Futurism読みたいけど、文字を追うのは面倒なとき、聞き流せると最高。Personal Landscape“Personal Landscape” is an inner portrait. This art is special, as it reflects your own personal inner landscape so it's a portrait of you, not for the outside, but the inside.フォロー2022.06.27 00:58JOKER 見るべき映画2022.06.24 01:00Mobile Amusement Park on the Lunar Surface 月面の移動遊園地0コメント1000 / 1000投稿